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Reading Female Signals
Chapter 3

  • Touching. A quote made famous on the Discovery Channel program "The Sex Files", goes "I always touch a man incidentally, never accidentally." This physical contact is generally made seemingly to emphasize a point, during laughter at the end of a joke or at some other "innocent" moment in the conversation. This is almost never an accident and therefore, over the course of your interaction, you should pay close attention to any touch she might make on your body. If you are standing, she may touch your forearm or, more overtly, put her arm around your shoulders. If you are sitting, you will often find she may start with touching your forearm and move to your knee and thigh as she becomes more interested. Footsies are also commonly female initiated activities. Of course, overt touching, including a woman placing your hand in her lap or patting your buttocks are certainly clear enough indications of interest that we don't have to discuss them further. The next choice you are faced with is when should you attempt a kiss. Read this article to discover the right timing and this article to improve your kissing technique.

As you can see, if you closely observe what women are telling you as they utilize a variety of non-verbal cues, you will certainly be more effectively able to gauge their receptiveness to your advances. So, before you make a total ass of yourself with someone who's not interested, or worse, miss out on an opportunity to connect with a wonderful woman, study these behaviors and attempt to spot them the next time you're in your favorite nightclub - you may be surprised to find them directed at you!

For an excellent and thorough investigation of this material, why not pick up: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Body Language


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