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Tantric Sex
Chapter 2

Another delightful aspect of Tantra is to be found in its genuine spirit of discovery and exploration, a concept only finding favour in western thinking in the last few generations. Rather than focusing on performance, it advises practitioners, called Tantricas to relax, enjoy and concentrate on feeling rather than thinking.

The premium Tantric teachings place on learning how to pleasure and be pleasured is also consistent with the idea that sex is a communication rather than an act. An act sounds so much like, and indeed for many often is, something that requires costumes, makeup, the memorizing of lines, and being someone other than ourselves, frequently resulting in 'stage fright' or performance anxiety. How fun is that? A fundamental precept of Tantric sex that often runs afoul of western thinking is that sex is only a means to achieve a spiritual state of enlightenment. In the Kama Sutra, the term for the vagina, is yoni, and translates as sacred place. The penis, or lingam means wand of light. Sounds nice eh? "Hey, I think we're getting close to the place. Get your flashlight out".

While Tantric sex offers men the potential of multiple orgasms, orgasm without ejaculation, and the means of bringing on the fabled 'amrita', or female ejaculation, it is important to recognize that this is not meant to glorify the male ego, but rather for the woman's pleasure and a way to achieve the Wave of Bliss.

Okay, okay, so show me.

Not all of the techniques of Tantra are so esoteric, but many do involve the use of specialized breathing techniques, visualization and the erotic stare. Given the western trend today to connect physical conditioning and aerobic health with sexual performance, I think its fair to say that Tantra is still several points ahead in the game, and looking strong to finish ahead. Considering the degree of difficulty of some of the techniques, as well as the sheer vastness of its teachings, it is bound to be difficult, though not impossible to incorporate tantric sex into the classic western-style 'one-nighter'. It might also be somewhat dangerous to attempt some of the more advanced positions in the Kama Sutra with a belly full of beer. For anyone with a long-term partner to play with though, this could be just what the doctor ordered.

I am convinced by now that further study is in order, and I am willing to try and get in touch with my 'chakras', or energy vibrations along the spine, for the benefit of my partner's pleasure in order that we can both experience the Wave of Bliss.

For those of you that remain unconvinced, I wouldn't worry. No doubt the Nintendo Corporation will have a fully digital, 64-bit western version of The Wave of Bliss for the PlayStation out within a matter of months if this ever really catches on.

Click here for part II

For an exceptional book on Tantric Sex see:
Divine Sex: The Tantric & Taoist Arts of Conscious Loving at Amazon.


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